Thursday, 16 September 2010


I think running is good, especially for your health. There are many benefits to keeping fit:
-Good for your bones, keeps them strong
-Exercising the heart is essentail to keep it strong. When you run your body needs mroe oxygen getting to the muscle sin your body, so the heart has to pump faster. It strenghtens yoru cardiovascualr system.
-Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease
-Tones almost all the muscles in the body (except the neck)
-Good for balance, when you are runnign outside having to avoid curbs and changing speed and direction
-Good for posture. Running with low shoulders, using your arms, tilt pelvis forward, raised head, prolonged spine
-The faster you move your arms, yoru legs go faster too.
-Good for waistline. Burns calroies as it uses alot of energy
-Burns 25% less calories than swimming, when covering the same distance with the same level of exertion.
-Increases stamina
-Endurance-your boday may protest at first but will adjust after a few runs
-Good for appearance
-Increases energy levels

Recommended 3 workouts a week for 20-30 minutes

Type of running:
        -marathons (raising money for charities)
        -with friends, social
        -running with an mp3 along to the beat of the music
-Indoor - treadmill
-Outdoor - scenic (hills, fields, natural environment, beach), road running

Early morning run to start off the day, gets the blood pumping and makes you feel more energetic, refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

Psychological benefits
-Makes you more aware of your surroundings, appreciating the environment
-Makes you feel more positive, productive and energetic

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